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Tiring faith.

Julie and Julia

June 20, 2016

I can understand how someone can be inspired by good work! It takes commitment, passion, knowledge and much more to follow in a winner’s footsteps. The movie Julie and Julia was one such inspiration. Meryl Steep, an absolutely anything is possible woman. She is brilliant as always. Amy Adams’s performance was good too.

What prompted me to write this post is a slight similarity to my wife’s abilities. She shows great commitment when she cooks. Especially something new and I have hardly appreciated her for that. Guess I now know what I should be doing more often. Spotting a talent is something and nurturing it is another.


September 3, 2015

I remembered an old joke when one of my colleagues said looking at my blog URL, “Giri, what’s that? AE…ONION blog?” Onion? I frankly didn’t know how to respond. I burst into laughter. Shocked as well. Can someone say such a thing? It was like pronouncing Le Miserables as Less Miserable! Yeah, I don’t blame them, but their fathers.

What was happening to me? I was in misery. A hectic day filled with endless calls, e-mails and discussions followed by a 50 km drive (2 hrs) to the airport only to find that the flight was delayed. It was only the beginning; There was more on offer! We reached Chennai and for a very long time, the plane was hovering above the Marina beach. Then came an announcement from the captain that the runways were unavailable and the plane didn’t have sufficient fuel. “We are going back to Bangalore for refueling” What? Again? Back to where we started? So we touched down in Bangalore and the refueling took more than an hour. Result: Shouts, sarcasm, and plenty of coffee!

During the short gap while refueling, a lot of thoughts engulfed my mind. It was weird because I started feeling energetic and a smile too popped on my face.

It was an extra-ordinary experience! Long hours in a flight doesn’t actually help though. Breaking backs, only for ONIONS to cure 😀

And hey, my blog is not an ONION blog! I definitely don’t think I make people cry!

Discovered something at 31!

August 31, 2015

I today realized that I cannot talk sense when I have to speak continuously for a long time. Not one bit! I’ve always wanted to master the art but I am beginning to understand that I can be very effective if I am precise.

I also think that it is not necessary to take too much time while conveying a message which in my opinion will dilute the entire discussion.

So that’s it for the post? I think so!

Remember, Remember 18th of June!

June 18, 2015

I want to remember this day, this moment after having seen the episode of my life! Game of Thrones, Season 5, Episode 10 – Mother’s Mercy. I have been watching the series for more than 3 years now and like any other, I am an ardent fan of the show.

There have been numerous occasions while watching the series when I have felt speechless. But the impact this particular episode has created is going to stay there for a long time. A shocking, apt and wonderfully scripted episode. Kudos to the writers! I feel happy that I am not part of any of that situation and have the complete freedom to lead a normal life. Will anybody survive, even survive at this rate in the show? Well, I think definitely yes! This show will be an epic for decades to come. GOAT? 😉

Thumbs up for Season 6.

You have to give it to the Mothers!

June 24, 2014

“Mothers are winners every single day and at every single thing”

Individualism has no cross roads

April 18, 2014

Ayn Rand was a master crafts woman – her craft, writing. She was also very good at thinking out of the boundaries, making stunning and weird comparisons which are both interesting and boring after a while. More than quite a few times, I have missed her train of thoughts, unable to comprehend whatever the woman was talking about. I will read those words aloud, again and again, but still would not understand her point simply because my mind refuses to. It’s a little too much to take it for the puny little brain. ‘Not right!’, she would’ve said. Or at least a few of her characters.

Gail and Dominique are among the top. Roark and Ellsworth would have agreed with her too. This pairing of characters by me is interesting and yet unintentional. ‘Roark’s the first name that should’ve come up!’, most would say. But the meeting between Gail and Dominique is worthy of trumping all other characters put together and hence the número uno position. Fantastic display of one’s inner self through exchange of words that one can only wish making use of. Gail and Dominique are perfect together. The dialogue between them on the boat after Keating sells her makes the reader wonder, ‘What the heck are you guys still talking for?’.

There are no cross roads when it comes to religion Individualism. Most don’t have the guts to even think about it. The ones who follow are partially successful with the exception of fictitious Roark. Gail comes close but he can hurt people just to see how far he can go to identify himself. That’s a different kind of life. But individualism makes you feel supreme and yet keeps you humble because you don’t give a damn about anything else. This comes with pure love and the talent to express something. That something is always one thing. Anything else, ‘I don’t see it’.

In my opinion, if you want to experience pain and lose whatever you’ve got for the sake of maintaining sanctity for a certain thing, try Individualism. That makes you awfully pure. But don’t stay there for long cos you can’t take it. Just cannot! Death for Roark!

‘Fairy’ Little Land.

March 21, 2014

Short, stuffed and fair! It rubs you once in a while. You can even feel the thin lines on you and it’s definitely intentional. A clone family, each and every one of them. Who owns them? I could never find out and I don’t want to. All claim its theirs.

Dangerously lazy!

December 27, 2013

There’s always an imminent danger on the streets of Indian cities amidst the irrelevant crowd. Yes, though irrelevant is an unfit word it is very apt in this context.

The first look at people running mad-o-madly behind the local and inter-state buses is disturbing! Shocking to see people care very less about their lives for a seat on that insignificant motor vehicle.

I am grateful to the fact that after 30 years I can stay away a little bit from these events. But it doesn’t matter a lot of times, because as long as you are a part of this incredible world anything is bound to happen. There is way too much noise and crowd, EVERYWHERE! That’s everyone’s daemon.

I don’t want to sound surprised or like a westerner, because I was a part of this very crowd not long ago. I had come very close to getting hurt several times during my struggle with the beasts around me. Every man and woman behave as fierce as a lion guarding its kill. They need their space. Its precious! My precious!

Can anything be done about this situation? Definitely, yes! But, we don’t want that, do we? Its funny when I try to compare the opposite personalities of someone here. One is so excited, brisk, on his toes day after day to fight for his needs but when it comes to finding a lasting solution, the same someone turns lazy. He wants to end his day, somehow. That’s it! That’s his destiny for the day and for every other day. We don’t give a damn!

Oh Butterfly!

November 25, 2013

Oh Butterfly…Butterfly! I had a calm and serene morning after quite a while I guess and it feels good. I have been listening to the song since yesterday and I am growing fond of it. The butterfly effect in the background score too is simply brilliant and I felt as if I were among those million bright colours. My wife kept playing it again and again heeding to my requests. She must have thought, “What a nerd!” LOL!! I arrived at the office with a different mindset. I smiled at people, at will. I had in fact forgotten this basic thing, that people smile back at you and it makes you feel better, every time. Let’s spread the joy!

But my machine almost killed me by making me wait to blog this effect. It took such a long time to boot. Microsoft! Is it becoming the “bad” of the world of superior OSes? My phone wasn’t helping me too. I had most of the article written but then bingggg!!  It went black without a warning – Windows Smart Phones with no auto save. How complementary!

At some point yesterday, I felt that I were going to have Alzheimer’s at a very young age. The fact that I didn’t know I had spelt the word Alzheimer’s correctly and yet when I checked it, I felt that I got it wrong, proves that the days are close. 🙂

DAMN my words!!

August 6, 2013

Terrible words! Terrible timing! Terrible day! I have to learn to control my adrenaline flow ALWAYS!! Something of this sort had to happen, frankly to teach me a lesson! Such thoughts arise from the shallow part of my brain even though they don’t carry any importance. But, does it matter? Not when you are on the right side!

It was good on his behalf to take it easy. But what I did was really bad! Years of effort to build a reputation and one incident blots that! So that’s how it works. The only right thing I guess I did was to apologize immediately. Not for the fear of reprimand but from the fear of my self beliefs. I won’t let it happen again!!


Tharun Reddy

Shame On Me!

Shame on those who are not helping to make this world a better place to live in.



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