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Individualism has no cross roads

April 18, 2014

Ayn Rand was a master crafts woman – her craft, writing. She was also very good at thinking out of the boundaries, making stunning and weird comparisons which are both interesting and boring after a while. More than quite a few times, I have missed her train of thoughts, unable to comprehend whatever the woman was talking about. I will read those words aloud, again and again, but still would not understand her point simply because my mind refuses to. It’s a little too much to take it for the puny little brain. ‘Not right!’, she would’ve said. Or at least a few of her characters.

Gail and Dominique are among the top. Roark and Ellsworth would have agreed with her too. This pairing of characters by me is interesting and yet unintentional. ‘Roark’s the first name that should’ve come up!’, most would say. But the meeting between Gail and Dominique is worthy of trumping all other characters put together and hence the número uno position. Fantastic display of one’s inner self through exchange of words that one can only wish making use of. Gail and Dominique are perfect together. The dialogue between them on the boat after Keating sells her makes the reader wonder, ‘What the heck are you guys still talking for?’.

There are no cross roads when it comes to religion Individualism. Most don’t have the guts to even think about it. The ones who follow are partially successful with the exception of fictitious Roark. Gail comes close but he can hurt people just to see how far he can go to identify himself. That’s a different kind of life. But individualism makes you feel supreme and yet keeps you humble because you don’t give a damn about anything else. This comes with pure love and the talent to express something. That something is always one thing. Anything else, ‘I don’t see it’.

In my opinion, if you want to experience pain and lose whatever you’ve got for the sake of maintaining sanctity for a certain thing, try Individualism. That makes you awfully pure. But don’t stay there for long cos you can’t take it. Just cannot! Death for Roark!

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