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May 4, 2009

God Vs Evolution

Image Courtesy: mukto-mona

I have always wondered about the very existence of God. I have sensed God a lot of times under a lot of circumstances in me and even others. But, the urge to believe in the laws of evolution becomes extremely insistent during Godly discussions. When scientists put forward their theories on nature, any individual who has the ability to understand it will be engulfed in atheistic beliefs. I am no exception.

I sometimes speculate the origin of religions and faith in God. But, it is greatly exciting to see men and women worship God with stanch faith over centuries. I believe our fore fathers understood the necessity to believe in a supreme power for all good causes. But, think of days when man started to worship things. The first thing he respected was the Sun. He then honored other natural elements. Wise men next started to idolize human feelings. So where did the concept of messengers and Godly shapes arrive from when all the civilizations initially started to worship the same natural elements.

I could only think of administrators and leaders who in the past for their convenience and control of human population laid down regulations for religions and identities for nature as Gods. Imagine the number of religious observances that should have been followed since the oldest known civilizations. Think of how many changes were made to those observances by the rulers of the past. Think of how people understood the underlying principles and passed it on to their next generations. Think of all the possible religious followings for the past 10, 000 years. It’s one huge confusing plan where the origin of beliefs would have been lost.

Why are there so many faith followings if ever there were God? History reveals that the power existed with humans. They were able to influence the beliefs of billions of people to embrace a religious conviction. Gautama Buddha was able to win over the fidelity of human clan. So were Jesus Christ and Prophet Mohammed. GOD only knows when the Hindu culture happened. With all these deities vying for the top spot, the line of argument becomes more of a fuss.

All my above thoughts were laid down, when I considered myself as a part of an ordinary religious sect along with some scientific trust.

All theories of evolution hold good only on Earth. There is also an explanation as how the universe evolved – The Big Bang. I cannot accept the theory in full form as it was just an assumption aimed at understanding the formation of the Universe. Now let’s talk about trust in God. If there were a Universe which is right now beyond Human understanding, how did it evolve? The explanation of a massive explosion some billions of years ago is according to me an attempt at confronting the God. When it comes to the origin of life, I believe that there is some supreme power that is strong enough to control the universe.

I wonder how the other forms of life in this Universe consider the fact of GOD. I certainly believe there is more life in this Universe, considering its vastness and possibilities. They are some millions of light years away. They are far more advanced than us. They might have traversed through most part of the Universe. They might have understood completely the building blocks of life and the Universe. So they stand a better chance of answering the question more plainly.

How long is it going to be before we communicate with them? Not in this birth? Are they trying to make a statement with us? I doubt there hasn’t been a single such proven incident, though there are daily claims of spotting a UFO. I am sad that there is only one agency in this world right now which has the ability to trace life in the Solar system. How long will it be, before it tries to search for life in this Galaxy and then in the entire Universe? Another 10000 years? That’s too long a wait to know the truth of existence of God. Will they anyhow find out proofs of such extra-terrestrial life? Any Dyson Spheres out there?

Hence, I believe, to control the entire Universe there is a supreme power whom we call God. There is God as long as there is an authentic proof against it. I cannot consider it the other way, because for the past 10000 years, the entire human population has believed in god, brush aside a few. I also believe that it would take another 10,000 years to provide evidence for or against the belief. In the mean time let me take as many re-births as possible to see the progress.

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