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Why is BAD not so GOOD?

April 20, 2009

Life’s sugary and sour, arduous and easy, pleasant and horrible. Above all, it’s a mystery. I am unable to comprehend the underlying principle. Why should we all go through such phases ever in our lives?

I might sound like a troubled kid. But, the longer I think about it, the gloomier the subject grows to be. I connect these various emotions to one single entity – LOVE. Love is the single most responsible factor for all the effects in life. I feel happy because I love someone greater than anyone else in this world. I feel forlorn because my kin is in grief. Why do I have to feel for souls which don’t make me?

I could relate my last question to the founding fathers of civilizations. They tried to keep the pack together to safeguard the interests of humanity. Why do they have to do that? “To live happily”. Did they ever consider the fact of co-existence of sorrow alongside love?

It’s sad that all great sages have spoken or written more about love and how to love people. I wish they taught us more on how to handle angst. Over the centuries, they have made people feel good when happy and cry during pain. Why couldn’t the reverse of it be possible?

May be that is how the nature works? Why is a mother over the heaven when she gives birth to a baby? Why does the same body whimper when the tot dies of regrettable circumstances?

But, why does nature work like that? There are several elements which are a part of life. Do they follow similar patterns?

My psyche is full of questions and emotions now and they are bombarding with each other like atoms for answers. Are there any answers which can satisfy my yen?

For those who think I’m distressed: I’m not. I am just trying to post my issues with nature which I’m unable to figure out. If you are an enlightened being, post in your responses.

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