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Prove your point

April 10, 2009

Where and in what? In everything you undertake and you are a part of. Most humans would love to do that, irrespective of its worthiness.

My stance during my lifetime would be to prove the point through a single act of brilliance. Sure, I too wish to be an intellect but not many are adept. Hence I have chosen this means of expression. The truth is, I could not handle  several situations from tip to toe. Under such circumstances, I’d just keep my mouth shut until someone else who had understood the facts comes up with something. I’d then think of something related which is uncanny and surprise people.

I don’t do this always because I can’t. It also doesn’t work every time. The method is very effective when you follow it once in a while. Many would think of this as a form of deceit. I safely deny. Because, many a times, I had come up with answers which were practically possible, already proven and innovative. I don’t own the intellectual property rights only because the answer had struck some other fella sometime back in history. I sometimes even come up with solutions unheard of. I owe that to my shrewd thoughts.

Not many can be successful in all their missions. It takes a lot of groundwork coupled with smart strategies to accomplish that. All the same when you prove your point to someone, you make them shut up. As far as I’m concerned, it is the most difficult job on Earth.

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