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Implications of Self-exploration

April 9, 2009


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What does it take to know about oneself? Ask anyone. You are bound to get a different answer from each one of them you question. Does that mean each individual in this world is unique by his thoughts? Aren’t there any two creatures in this world who can think alike always? How remarkable is that? The CIA factbook tells me that the world population is 6,706,993,152, i.e., 6706 million or 6.7 billion. The chances for my previous question resulting to true is NULL. The 6.7 billion people would agree with me.

So, according to me the only answer for gaining knowledge about oneself is self-exploration. I shall first define the term. It is the examination and analysis of one’s own unrealized spiritual or intellectual capacities (defn courtesy: merriam webster). I found this definition apt.

There might be numerous theories put forward by a lot of psychologists. They all would aim at placing you into a particular group with common thoughts (not same thoughts). They seldom describe your exclusive behavioral  patterns.  Even if  they did by any chance, by the time you realize it was true, you would have been engulfed in a different thought process.

Even so, there are a few basic characteristics which you believe you possess are identifiable. They could be attributed to your surroundings where you were brought up, your parents, your neighbors, your friends, your education and a lot of other factors. These habits will only die with you.

Have you ever wondered why do you have any specific preference or practice? Think about it. It should have either come from one of them whom you have known or from an incident which has happened to you or your kin. You could relate your habits to such incidents occurred over your lifetime.

Through such process, you can identify all your behaviors along with your capabilities and if possible enhance them. You don’t need someone else describe that for you.

Thoughtful about why the hell did you choose such a girl friend or a wife? Proceed…your are now a self made psychologist like a self made billionaire.

3 Comments leave one →
  1. Saba Yousaf permalink
    April 9, 2009 2:38 pm

    Did you choose your future spouse, or did God know better and choose one specifically for you?

  2. Saba Yousaf permalink
    April 9, 2009 2:41 pm

    Im still content and grateful to God, despite what people might think about me.

  3. aeonianblog permalink*
    April 10, 2009 10:28 am

    I leave it to God when it comes to trivial matters which are outta my hands.

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