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I am a what(?) person

November 26, 2008

ambiguousI took me all these years to know that i am a theoretical person. I can’t be practical. On paper i sound great, but when it comes to real life, its all shambles. I have to develop a process to change myself more into sort of a real life being.

I came into learning what the world is at a very late age and it was too much to handle. Everything was new and a surprise. I accepted with open arms what ever was thrown at me. I didn’t give a second thought whether it was related to me or not. In the end i ended up ambiguous and i am in the period of transition.

All said, I thought I was hazy, but are others the same way? How can I say that others are normal and I am not. I feel the only way to understand this is study people. But, thats not my job. And it’s not easy too. As an enthusiast, if I did that, how many different people should i look at carefully. I have more reservations here. I believe that human beings choose their group based on their own ideals. Simply said, birds of same feather flock together.

So, what does that mean?? I ain’t going to change too much as long as i move in close circles. I gotta be open to more things and more people. I accept that I am not good at picking new people every other day. That doesn’t not mean I can’t do that. I am an open minded person, and I have no difficulty in approaching an unknown person for something legible.

So, all this debate brings me back to where i started my discussion. I am trying to be practical. If someone know better on how to live a real life, post in your comments. And pls, keep it simple. No more confusions encouraged.

This one is outta terms from my discussion above. Today we had a very sensitive debate during our lunch. I’d better not say the topic. As usual, I was into my shell, trying not to accept what others say and I do that spontaneously. I do that because its simple. I always think from the affected or other man’s perspective. I believe I try to understand more about life, the situation and the nature, from that point of view. While doing that, I know that sometimes I sound like an intellect and most of the times a fool.

Will this work out always? You thoughts on this too….

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  1. Lakshmi permalink
    December 22, 2008 7:49 am

    I would suggest that you try to play the devil’s advocate more often, even if you do sympathize with the other man’s point of view. By opposing even one person, you can understand even more about why you feel the way you do about any given topic. And that will help you learn more about what you are. All the best!!!!

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