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Just Wonderful!

November 21, 2011

There I was, just outside, waiting for her,
To get a glimpse of my angel, for a wonder she is;
But, I didn’t gather, that it was an earned one;

Thence I waited for days, decades and centuries in isolation,
As every second, without her, was a millenary in itself;
And then the cosmos turned their attention to me,
For she was their life too, their potion of existence;

The grit there, perturbed, rose above the ground,
Filled my lungs, entered every pore and turned felony;

The treelets grew vast and huge, from soft to hard,
only to suck the air around, to suffocate me;
I choked at the changes, bewildered at the evolution;

Thy arms grazed wild, a raging storm, a similar kind;
With fire born out of it, the suns melted,
And a thousand of them fell on me, to burn their marks;

Thy barriers broke, a savage, in full flow,
Drowned I, suffering in pain, in the torrent;
As brutal as it gets, as sore I did feel,
With thy wish to see her, in my heart;

Trees grew into plants, the grit to sculpts;
Fires turned into flies, the downpour arrested;
Flowers blossomed and the stars filled their berths;
In all, a paradise worked, to welcome thy princess;

With mellifluous tones and a nifty breeze,
I dwelled in the sweetness of Eden;
If ever there was anything better, I was thinking;

And then, she appeared, as a light in the making,
As pure a sight, as delightful my heart;
I fell on my knees, clutching my hair, in awe;

My darling!! I like anything and everything about you.

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