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Digital Death for Entertainers

December 1, 2010

Marketing of the highest order!!

Lady Gaga, Kim Kardarshian, Justin Timberlake and a lot of others are dead. Yup, digitally dead. They are giving up their online social activities for a while. At least, till they generate a million dollars for charity through donations. What’s special about it??

There is something special!! Followers for a few days will never be able to see their favorite icon’s status or whereabouts. Pity, they can’t live without them!!!  And less activity on Facebook and Twitter. I wonder how these artists (I doubt Kim is one!!): their names alone can generate huge funds.

Deaths are imitated with postures of men and women in life size coffins. Designer coffins and lavish clothes while they are in the casket. Grand!!

As long as the money spun out is being used for some genuine social activity, these acts in some way are justifiable. But not in a lot of other ways. Nevertheless, all the devotees are kept busy with exciting news about their stars and I guess they’ll love it.

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