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What’s about Wikileaks?

November 29, 2010

Wikileaks, the most talked about term on the Web and media since yesterday, is holding a lot of guys active right now. The 2,51,287 docs that are being published since yesterday about the US Government’s foreign activities are available now for the Earth’s public, which is unprecedented and vulnerable for a lot departments and governments around the world.

While most of the documents published are classified, I guess, it is better off not to publish the unclassified information as well. The documents expose activities that have happened during the entire war period in Iraq and Afghanistan. Apart from that, it also runs texts about other countries, her strategies and their leaders. I could recall a phrase from a news channel regarding the Wikileaks where Putin was allegedly called a DOG!! Take that!!

It is always unsettling to see how such information is out for the entire public. It was meant classified for a reason. And it is unwarranted for the common man to know such stuff. We all understand how civilian lives were played with during the war time. It was expected. There was war and what else was to be done.

Wars are error prone. They always have been. And in this modern world, it’s even more complicated to strategically win over a nation and it’s so called anti-socialist elements. Henceforth, it’s unfair to judge a coup d’état.

A lot of people are talking “Human rights“. Damn them!! They allow a war in first place and are now complaining about the aftermath. Prevent such wars in future if anything can be done at all. Stop selling defense equipments. If nothing works out, stop complaining!! It’s all about money honey: the potential revenue which can be generated from these stacks of information.

I wonder why the US Government was unable to stop this exposure. Was there another ploy?

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