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Rightly Rich After Dead!!

August 28, 2012

Those Cerebral guys, they SUCK!! They die young. They die poor. Get rich or die trying?? No, it doesn’t work that way. “What’s money for??” they ask me. Giant heads!! A little bit of being Muscular would definitely help them, but being half Alimentive – now that’s a killer recipe!! A millionaire recipe!! But they never make it on their own.

They don’t listen to you, do they?? How many times have I woken up a guy from a deep slumber state?? What the fuck is wrong with you?? Why can’t we just go out for a while?? A movie or a bar or something?? “How about a theater play??“, he said once to me on a Friday evening. I never allowed him to talk again. Just Shut Up!!

They poke their noses into everything discussed, literally every damn topic. But they get beaten to death or drowned by others because they cannot compete. Everyone says so!! I have observed it carefully a few times myself. They are reasonably good at things, but when it matters, they lose. They cannot stretch the extra mile to make others understand about what they think. Never good orators, are they?? No one has the patience to listen to them. Nevertheless, he says, “I am years ahead of you.” Crap!!

I’ve a lot of such friends. “I fear sometimes that I’d turn into one of you”, I said to someone. He imitated me. Yes, that’s how funny they are!! As a punishment, I introduced him to a girl. It was soo sweet of me. He was as dumb as a Donkey!! Couldn’t utter a word looking at her face. Haha!! Die young and single. I am getting good at predictions.

I’ve seen it all!! is what they say to me all the time. How untrue!! If it were, I’d believe them.  😉 .

It’s all about dreams, for them. Day dreamers, no charmers. Rich in thoughts, poor in reality. Good at writing, bad at talking. About Women?? You’ve got to ask them how they feel about these mystics!! Best intentions but mostly impractical. It’s only a matter of time before they leave this world. But, I shall ever revere them. I will miss them dearly, I think, when they are no longer available for me. Rightly rich After dead!!

He was looming large over me and I woke up. A dream of my kind. YES, I am CEREBRAL!!

The most interesting case is Cerebral women are attractive to the highest degree. Their silence would allow a guy to take great pains to convince or satisfy her. Powerful magnets they are. I agree. 😉

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