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Ye’r just Lilliputians!

June 25, 2012

She was the only visible thing in the universe. Everything else around her was a blur.

“Gods themselves were Lilliputians!!”

I heard men shouting, crying their hearts out, and begging her to take them.

“I will be your slave!!! I will be your daemon!!!” were the words in the air around.

They danced, sang, forgot their miseries and rejoiced her presence. She was the one. Her beauty, the demon, her presence was all that mattered.

Is it her or her smile? I could not say which one was drawing me towards her. The moment I saw her, I felt an intense pleasure sweep over all my emotions.

“Is it happening to me? The change? The her change?”

It’s not normal. She is not normal. She must be divine. Someone who had just come down to the Earth from the land of springs. I wished she had come for me, for the broken race.

She was sitting in front of me, silently watching the world mourn. The scene, it was a Rembrandt’s art: the texture, the oil, the strokes, the luxury, the truth, the existence and the opulence. It was all there. “Perfectly poised and perfectly poignant”, as Schama says.

Her luscious lips were oozing nectar inviting the wandering bees. I was waiting. Those lips were sealed and refused to take the great leap. I was waiting for her to smile. It was agony. I then understood how the human race learnt to be patient.

I slowed down time. I didn’t want to miss the spectacle. Everything around me was now moving at a willfully slow pace, including her. I could see her eye lids closing like an opera curtain being moved down with grace. It was a rainbow of colors; a white lid against a black backdrop with lashes like fine threads pulling the silk gently down.

The creators, I believe, knew exactly what they were up to. My heart in those few seconds captured every single image of the fall creating a timeline of its own. And then it happened!!! She smiled. There was turbulence inside me. I stood still and closed my eyes and yet I could see her. I shall relish the moment for years to come.

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