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Vaaranam Aayiram movie review

November 15, 2008

vaaranam aayiram

The cat’s out…..the movie has released and so far so good…there have been positive reviews about the movie. I read that there is a lot of feel good factor floating around the movie…..are gautam and surya back with a bang???it’s just a day…let’s wait for a week to get the actual message from the audience…..

is it that the Gautam, Surya and Harris Jeyaraj combination always rock??? they did that in their last movie kakka kakka…will the same be repeated??? wait and watch..

anyway for the time being it is just “go, watch it and u’ll feel it”….i haven’t watched the movie yet and hence has no idea about what the movie is all about….not a prob….i have a few links here which tells about how the movie would feel like…

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